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Finance Committee - The Estimates of Expenditure
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Promoting medical check-up for the whole community

Promoting medical check-up for the whole community

Hon CHAN Kin-por: (Translation)

That, as the population of Hong Kong is ageing, which will exert great pressure on the healthcare system, yet the general public often neglect the importance of undergoing regular medical check-up and do not seek medical consultation until their clinical conditions have worsened, which will not only affect their chance of being cured, but also substantially increase the public healthcare expenditure; this Council urges the Government to comprehensively plan afresh policies on prevention of non-communicable diseases and health promotion, including:


expeditiously studying the provision of regular basic medical check-ups for Hong Kong residents gradually and systematically, so as to prevent diseases through early diagnosis and treatment;


at the same time, formulating suitable medical check-up plans for different high-risk groups; and


promoting healthy living and health education to encourage the public on all fronts to do more exercise, so as to enable Hong Kong to develop into a genuinely healthy city.


Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau: (Translation)

To delete "the population of Hong Kong is ageing, which will exert great pressure on the healthcare system, yet" after "That, as"; to delete "their chance of being cured" after "which will not only affect" and substitute with "the curative effects"; to delete "public" after "but also substantially increase the"; to delete "non-communicable" after "prevention of"; to add "and promote healthy living and health education to encourage the public on all fronts to do more exercise so as to enable Hong Kong to develop into a genuinely healthy city, as well as immediately launch a screening programme for common diseases," after "health promotion,"; and to delete "expeditiously studying the provision of regular basic medical check-ups for Hong Kong residents gradually and systematically, so as to prevent diseases through early diagnosis and treatment; (b) at the same time, formulating suitable medical check-up plans for different high-risk groups; and (c) promoting healthy living and health education to encourage the public on all fronts to do more exercise, so as to enable Hong Kong to develop into a genuinely healthy city" after "(a)" and substitute with "high blood pressure, diabetic and cholesterol tests; (b) fecal occult blood test; (c) breast examination and Pap smear test; (d) Hepatitis B test; (e) optometry examination; and (f) extending dental care to pre-school children, secondary students and the elderly".


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